Pachypodium rosulatum, also known as “Elephant’s foot plant”, is a very slow growing, shrub-shaped, caudiciform succulent. Its gray-green trunk resembles a bottle and is armed with many thorns; in its caudex it stores water to survive during periods of drought. From the apex small green and slightly lanceolate leaves grow, that are arranged in rosettes. It also produces beautiful yellow flowers. In the period of vegetative rest it loses its leaves to grow them back, when it enters the vegetative state.
Pachypodium rosulatum var. inopinatum
Pachypodium rosulatum, also known as “Elephant’s foot plant”, is a very slow growing, shrub-shaped, caudiciform succulent.
SKU: M50
Categories: All Plants, Medium Plants
Tags: Pachypodium rosulatum var., Pachypodium rosulatum var. inopinatum, rosulatum var. inopinatum
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